Sarah Hepola

September 29, 2018

Indelible in the hippocampus

It is both easy and common to drink, act and then have no memory of it.

I did not expect to write a story about the contentious nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.  Some of my best friends are lawyers (did that sound weird?), but this is not my territory, riveting as the drama may be. But on Thursday, I watched the hearing, sitting on my parents’ couch from . . . Read More

August 28, 2018

Palm readings, past present and future

Two people are blocking my path to happiness. Please reveal yourselves

I was walking down West 15th in Manhattan when I saw the street fair, and a sign caught my eye: Psychic Readings, $5. The sign was old and maroon and marked by excessive cursive, like a laminated menu that hasn’t been updated since the 80s. The woman in the fold-out chair waved me toward her. . . . Read More

August 12, 2018

Gus the dog.

Memories of a family pet

My brother’s friend spotted the dog in the park. Shivering, starving, skin pocked with flea bites. “Someone needs to take this dog home,” the guy said, and my brother — perhaps even surprising himself — got an idea. My brother and I never had a dog growing up. Our family rented a modest home, and . . . Read More

August 5, 2018

Roads you haven’t been on yet

"I felt like an arrow that could shoot all the way"

A couple years ago I started taking pictures while I was driving. This is a terrible habit, one I would never endorse, and completely borne of the social media age, with its tug toward performing rather than experiencing your life, trying to pin down exhilaration for later consumption as opposed to enjoying it in the . . . Read More

July 8, 2018

What’s Next

It was very, very hard to figure out my second book

Years ago, when I was finishing my first book, I got a solid piece of advice. Write your second book while waiting for the first to publish. A book often takes a year to go from final draft to bookshelf, and in that lag time, anxiety blossoms. Writing a second one fast, soon, now would . . . Read More

June 7, 2016

Paperback writer

Five and a half years ago, I started thinking I could write a book. Actually, I’d been thinking I could write a book since I learned it was a Thing You Could Do. A decent montage of my 20s and early 30s would be me, doing different things, wondering if they might become books. This . . . Read More

May 21, 2016

What I’ve been up to lately

Last night I ran into an old friend, and she was like: Where can I find all the things you’ve written lately? I asked if she was on Facebook, and she was like, no I don’t do that, and I was like, YOU ARE SO SMART, and then I was like, but wait, where CAN you . . . Read More

April 27, 2016

Oh hi, I didn’t see you there

It’s a little more than a month from the paperback release of “Blackout.” I’m updating this site with paperback tour dates, although the “tour” will be less of a direct hit and more of a rolling wave. Dates have been set in June for Dallas, Austin and San Francisco, with dates in LA, NY, and DC . . . Read More

May 14, 2015

“I fear I’m becoming undateable”: Letter to a young sober woman

After my story about dating sober ran in Elle Magazine, I heard from other women also learning to navigate the Tinder era without a glass of wine in their hands. I know many ladies (and gentlemen) struggle with these issues, too, so I asked one of them if I could share our correspondence, and she agreed. (I’ve removed her . . . Read More

May 11, 2015

OMG, are you so totally excited?

People often ask me if I’m excited about my book coming out. I am, though “excited” isn’t the right word. What’s the word for excitement that is also dread that is also a wild-eyed fear that wakes you up at 4am wondering what mistakes you’ve made that you aren’t aware of yet? It’s like excitement sauteed in terror. . . . Read More